Under the Commonwealth and subsequently, a large number of Sherwood oaks were felled for the navy but various grants were made for exceptional purposes during that period and immediately after the Restoration In about 1680, the people of Edwinstowe petitioned the crown for permission to fell 200 oaks to the value of two hundred pound, out of the hays of Birkland and Bilhagh for the repair of their parish church. There were also a vast number of minor claimants, who came from all parts of the forest and its surroundings these claimants appeared in person, or through an attorney.

Eminent men such as the archbishop of York (who appeared by proxy in the person of John Rolleston) and Sir George Savile, bart., of Rufford also appeared by proxy, claiming the privileges formerly held by the Cistercian Abbey. There were claims of ancient chartered privileges from the days of Richard I onwards. The court opened at Mansfield on 6 February, 1662-3 repeated adjournments carried on the proceedings until 1676. The business was so complicated and required so much legal investigation that William Cavendish presided over this forest court, either in person or by commission, for upwards of twelve years. Early in 1662, Charles II issued the necessary authority under letters patent (to investigate the Sherwood claims) to his friend William earl of Mansfield and marquis of Newcastle, appointing him to act as lord chief justice in eyre. In the following year an order was made to repair the destruction of the deer in Thorney Wood and Sherwood Forest, that no fee deer of any kind were to be taken until further warrant. Ravy, for the expenses in transporting red and fallow deer from Germany to help restock the forests of Sherwood and Windsor. A warrant was signed in November, 1661, for the payment of one thousand pound to Sir William St. At the Restoration, Charles II showed interest in replenishing with game the forest and parks that had been wasted during the Civil War and Commonwealth. Many of the rights and privileges, especially of those who took the king’s side, were abolished, and the vert and venison were ravaged by the people of the adjoining districts. Sign in to add this item to your wishlist, follow it, or mark it as not interested Check out the entire Microids franchise on Steam.ĭuring the Commonwealth there was disorder and aggression throughout Sherwood. Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood Roam the dense foliage of Sherwood, come face to face with royal trouble and battle against Prince John’s forces as you take on the role of legendary nobleman, Robin Hood.

You will have to use these abilities wisely in order to succeed. You can control up to six different characters, each with his or her own set of skills and weapons.

Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood is a team-based real time strategy game from the developers of Desperados.
The latest version of Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood is supported on PCs running Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10. Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood relates to Games. The most popular versions of the Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood 4.1, 3.1 and 2.0.
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